Growing up, my mom always told me, “I swear you were born in the wrong decade”, which is something I feel in my soullll. I am ALL about the vintage vibes when it comes to my style, music, and all my most favorite things. It feels like me; which is why I’m so drawn to capturing that nostalgia when I’m editing and photographing you. Vintage, to me, always brings to mind timeless, carefree, intimate and romantic love. That is, an intimacy fully centered around how you truly feel about each other. Deep connection; one that never puts on a show, but simply is.
Showing you exactly what I see behind the camera - that’s one of my very favorite parts of this job. Alllll the love and beauty you emanate. Getting to witness the shock of each of my clients when they first see their photos!! Still, to this day, so many of my clients say they are “unphotogenic” but after I show them the first few photos we took, it’s an immediate mood shift. Seeing how it boosts their confidence in themselves and their beauty is indescribable! 

more about the gal behind the camera.

Because if you’re gonna trust me to capture your story . . . I better share mine 

When I said I was creative by nature, this is what I meant... From the very beginning of my life, I’ve been surrounded by inspiration. Be that my community, the great outdoors, or the relationship I have with my Creator - I’ve always felt SO connected to this earth and the people on it. I’m so thankful for this life I’ve been given… and how I truly feel like I’m living my God-given passion every single day. I was made to be the creative human you see today and I couldn’t be more grateful! 

i spend my free time... 

Any types of arts + crafts.. I love painting in the abstract - free-flow, mixing colors and textures as I please, without the pressure to get it perfect! 

I am a hobby hopper and proud of it!! It ’s so fun to try out new things for myself. I adore spending time learning new crafts, making art in its many forms, and spending time fueling my creativity!!

Writing. Although I don’t do it as often as I'd like, I love filling my time with writing poems and journaling. If you’re noticing a theme of letting my creative juices flow, then you’re spot on!! ;)

Yoga!! It’s such a fun way to get moving, especially in the morning! My favorite part is trying new moves and pushing myself! Such a fun adventure and a new favorite way to relieve stress! 

Dancing! I love love two-stepping and learning new dance moves with my man! 

Anything beauty - hair, makeup, nails. I'm actually graduating from cosmetology school soon and plan to add hair + makeup services to my portrait sessions soon!

my inspiration

My relationship with my God plays a huge role in how I view my work and my passion behind everything. 

god, the
most creative

He is truly the most creative, and all of OUR creativity comes from Him.
 He literally created every. single. thing. from scratch!!! Oh how I aspire
to have a mind as creative as His. The beauty in this world is beyond
 what my eyes can even take in! Even more than that, though, the
way the Lord has created each and every person so beautifully unique
 and different is beyond inspiring to me. I adore capturing the
intentional beauty that every human holds; along with their authentic,
specific personalities!! I am such a sucker for details in everythinggggg.
I guess you could say I take after my Creator in that. 

He is truly the most creative, and all of OUR creativity comes from Him. He literally created every. single. thing. from scratch!!! Oh how I aspire to have a mind as creative as His. The beauty in this world is beyond what my eyes can even take in! Even more than that, though, the way the Lord has created each and every person so beautifully unique and different is beyond inspiring to me. I adore capturing the intentional beauty that every human holds; along with their authentic, specific personalities!! I am such a sucker for details in everythinggggg. I guess you could say I take after my Creator in that. 

Growing up, I would spend my free days out on our little wooden rope swing. Hearing the breeze sweep through the trees, making its way through the leaves - there’s nothing quite like it. On that rope is where I wrote countless poems about anything & everything, making little songs (that I can’t sing on key to save my life), and listening to music. That swing is where my creativity first blossomed. Still, to this day, being in nature is what most inspires me; taking in the beautiful life we all get to lead. 

how this impacts the art i create

My Why Behind Every Shot

let's tell your story

my little love story

I figured if I’m documenting your love story, then I might as well share mine!! My love (Jaron) & I met back in fall of 2017 through our church, and we quickly became best friends!! I was going to ask him to go to my prom, but little did I know, he was already planning to ask me to his! He rented and brought it with him to his promposal with a sign that said “will you GOAT to prom with me? It would be the greatest of all time!”. You know I had to say yes (the man sourced a goat for me), and we went purely as friends! After 5 years of being best friends and being together for so many life stages, we finally started dating! In June of this year, I had a wedding in Glacier National Park, which we turned into a work & partial vacay trip. We went on a waterfall hike while we were there, where he asked me to marry me at one of the falls!! He had been planning it for over half a year, yet I had no clue til he was down on one knee! We’ve been together 2 years now, and I truly am dating my best friend for life!!! I couldn’t imagine life without this beautiful human and cannot wait to marry him!!


Doilies. Random, but I have a huge collection now.

grey's anatomy & la la land!

Thrifting!! Most of my clothes come from the thrift store. It’s like a little treasure hunt. 

Drives to & from weddings = listening to podcasts and audiobooks!!!

Soaking up every moment

a few of my favorite things

You deserve a photographer YOU TRULY CONNECT AND GET ALONG WITH

Feel like we'd be friends! Lets chat so I can get to know YOU!

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